Tuesday, October 25, 2011


 OK, it seems like exact timing did help quite a bit (i won the LoL ranked games, so how could it be bad, right?). As for the actual day, apart fromt he (sorta failish) hair cuting issue, one is usualy not comfortable talking about to well known friends after multipple drinks of beer it wasn't too bad.

I manage to get through another chapter of C# programming, read 15 pages of the cryptic thesis, that is making me wonder if it's written by google translator... and to schedule a dentist session, sorta.

Will have to make another run to the gym though, to find out some data.
It looks like I'll be paying 20€/month for 1 year (set in stone time) for a more or less limitless access to the gym (showers included, whoo!). Fair trade if you ask em and it definitly wont hurt me (or maybe it will exactly hurt me). Only the question of "can i pull it through remains".

As for the rest, managed to Ding 85 in WoW (the cool kids amongst us, know what this game is) and get multipple "wow amazing nidalee" comments in lol.
PS: buying bewitching Nidalee skin was so worth it, for the sake of the comment "Suck my broom" o.o

Anyhow, the plans for tommorow:

8.45 -- Wake up
9.00 -- Wake up (for real)
9.15 -- Go to gym and univeristy
10.00 - Programing time
13.00 - Gaming time
15.00 - Thesis again
19.00 - Prorgraming/Gaming
24.00 - Go sleep in time (dammit)

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