Monday, October 24, 2011

24.10.2011 - Plans

Fine, so uh, first post here I go? (OT: I'm used to foruming, not to blogging, so it feels like im spaming a single thread...)

So ye: today's remaining timeline (i seriously have to fix the time on my account, tis for sure not 7AM as google claims...):

1) Start reading the dissertation on uh... stuff relevant for my bachelor thesis (I should seriously find out what exactly I'm doing again, I sorta forgot this part :x)
2) Read through another chapter of C# (Switching C++ ==> C#)
3) Jog a round (preferably before it's completely dark...) )
4) Spend the remaining time by talking to Her and/or win a round of League of Legends to farm up my last quintessense.
5) Go to sleep in time o.o

I seriously have to think and consider a way to split the time-line from the actual blog, since if i'll be able to keep bloging, I'll prolly just confuse myself.

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