Monday, November 7, 2011


Good morning,

woke up quite ahead of time. Had some very weird, also disturbing dream. Apparently my unconscious finally find something, that would not make me turn around and go sleep again, as regular nightmares do.

In the dream I allways had this feeling of having a presense behind me, that was making fun of me and observing me, yet I was not able to see or find the presense. What was even more disturbing, is that I had blackouts in the dream and could not remember if I did something or not. For example, I closed the door, but then I discovered that the door was still opened. I went to jogg a round, but had to find out that my clothes were allready sweaty and I was sorta exhausted myself. etc

The disturbing part of the dream was, I was never sure, if this presense was some personality split of me or guy hijacking my identity in the background.

Irony: I discovered this picture when trying to log on one of my accounts:

I go get breakfast, if I will discover that it's allready eaten away, I'm calling the ghostbusters

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