Well I guess I finaly managed to fuck up properly this time,
time management was never exactly my strength, but after finaly passing all projects and exams, slacking at the bachelor thesis might have not been the best idea I've ever had.
Now that I think of it, I lost around 2 weeks of pure thesis time and in addition nearly 4 weeks of mixed exam-thesis time, that means around 1 month. It's not like I wasn't doing anything, but I should've spent at least the tripple avarage of daily time for my work
On the bright side, I did program quite something, sadly however its completly unrelated to my project. ALSO on the second bright side I unlocked quite a lot of League of Legends champions AND managed to get to level 33 in 3 days in Skyrim, which isn't bad at all, with the exception that it's not helping my project now too...
Oh well.
The good thing is, its still perfectly makable, so I guess it's back to planing hourly again, so I get back on track.
Plan for today: Install a copy of VMware player with ubuntu on my second PC, get the system im programing on runing (which somehow didnt work for me yesterday), write down and analyze the LabVIEW core structure properly and THEN do whatever i feel like.
Let's see how that turns out...
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