Friday, November 25, 2011


Finally dragged my lazy ass to the gym and got a new subscription.

A trainer suggested to work out a good plan for me, so after taking some data it turned out:

Apparently I'm:

Overly underwatered - my body is only 40% water, while 55-60% is normal
Hypertonic - 130-140 blood pressure is normal for me, also my heartbeat is too strong
Hyperstatic - My chest area+back+shoulders is overly strong in comparison to my arms
Too "mobile" - aka weirdly flexible and stretchy
Also have like the lowest alcohol and coffein comsumption they saw in data since ages...

oO, now i feel like im sick - /goes to grab a beer

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Skeletons (Part 1)

I guess everyone has his skeletons in the closet, but with every passing day I get more and more sure, that parts of my families closets are officially registered graveyards.

I dont even know where to start, especially since there are quite some stories going on out here. I think I start with the family on my mother's side. This family tree is full of women with characters of all kind. One of my grandgrandmas had 4 daughters and her sister had also a daughter. While the grandgrandma alone deserves quite some attention, I wont focus on her in this little gibbertext.

Still some words: This particular grandgrandmother was living back then in Sibiria. Not the easiest place to live. Especially when you have 2 children (back then), german blood and your husband fighting the second world war - that's going on during that time. Neither Stalin's nor Hitler's soldiers are the friendliest fellows either, especially to a german-blooded long haired (she had incredible hair, as I was told) in russia, so they decided to move southeast, where the weather is "warmer", the distance from the frontlines higher, food (and people) raids less often. Also relatives.

So Tadjikistan it was. On the way there, during one of Russia's cold winter snow storms and one of the small girls lost her fur hat. It's hard to find a black cat in a dark room during the night, especially if it aint there. And with the wind going on, the hat wasnt there either. Sadly the temperatures during a sibirian winter are -15°c and lower, so losing your hat equals death by freezing.

The mother gave her hat to her daughter and tied her hair around her head in the attempt to keep it warm. They somehow made it. She lost all her long hair however.

In Tadjikistan life was easier. Sure, people were still starving and sovjet raids were  taking people to work camps (back to sibiria mostly), because they were of questionable blood, said something wrong or simply because someone had to be taken. Stalin was releasing lists, with a certain ammount of people from each social level group, that had to be eliminated, in order to maintain full control over the country. In addition to this schizophrenic behaviour, also people of "questionable" origin were to be taken to camps (in waves) or dealt with otherwise. My grandgrandmother was german and thus of "questionable" origin and allways under such a risk.

However, first her husband returned or more like was carried back from the front. Multipple heavy wounds and Diphteria weakened this man, he could barely move and was spending most his days in bed. (I'm actually not sure if it was Diphteria or Tuberchulosis, seems like both were fairly "popular" in my family tree during those times).

One of their neighbours and friends, who had acces to higher levels, informed them, that the next wave of arrests was incoming in a few monthes. Leaving or runing would be no option, with 2 children, her incapacitated husband and famine all over the land and there very few reasons to get spared from such a arrest. One of those was pregnancy.

When then soldiers arrived and told her, that she has 5 minutes to pack her things, she allready was pregnant. She was spared. Her husband died few days later however from the severe illness and fever.

To be continued

Developers Hell

This device will definitly haunt me after my death. Not only is the manual for it as simple to understand (also wrong in some technical aspects) as a quantum physics book, that was translated into english from japanese with google translator, in addiotion to this the manual to the DG2020 is also completly lacking any important programming information.

The engineers automaticly asumed that anyone using this device will have access to LabVIEW , the software that costs just some thousands euro... The best part of it: its my job as a student to make a standalone DLL now o.o

Friday, November 18, 2011

No I don't

Actually, I sorta got bored of the game and don't even get to playing anything lately with all the stress around me, but I like the vid :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011


For study purposes I was looking for control sequences of a DG2020. Had to discover that every single website, documentation etc. was refering to LabVIEW which has a license that costs thousands...

The official documentation doesn't even cover any other options or direct programming. Gross.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Nope, not a sphere

Finished todays planned and schedules programming part.

Was doodling and filterplaying with photoshop, while thinking about tommorows plans. Outcome:

Out of order

Well I guess I finaly managed to fuck up properly this time,

time management was never exactly my strength, but after finaly passing all projects and exams, slacking at the bachelor thesis might have not been the best idea I've ever had.

Now that I think of it, I lost around 2 weeks of pure thesis time and in addition nearly 4 weeks of mixed exam-thesis time, that means around 1 month. It's not like I wasn't doing anything, but I should've spent at least the tripple avarage of daily time for my work

On the bright side, I did program quite something, sadly however its completly unrelated to my project. ALSO on the second bright side I unlocked quite a lot of League of Legends champions AND managed to get to level 33 in 3 days in Skyrim, which isn't bad at all, with the exception that it's not helping my project now too...

Oh well.

The good thing is, its still perfectly makable, so I guess it's back to planing hourly again, so I get back on track.

Plan for today: Install a copy of VMware player with ubuntu on my second PC, get the system im programing on runing (which somehow didnt work for me yesterday), write down and analyze the LabVIEW core structure properly and THEN do whatever i feel like.

Let's see how that turns out...

Saturday, November 12, 2011


For those few people who does NOT find that games are a spawn of satan and will bring doom and oblivion (well they sorta brough doom and oblivion, even if oblivion was definitly a better game) to us all, the partielly longawaited game oblivion was released 2 days ago.

And I have to say, it is quite impressive. A good skillsystem, huge and amazing world and fun gameplay mechanics makes it a great playexperience.

The downside to this is, that I still have to finish a huge ammount of work until monday and chances are i wont be able to finish the game so I can focus on my thesis :x

Friday, November 11, 2011


Mrmmmmf! No I'm not kidnapped and gagged (yet?), was just at a dentist. I hate my teeth

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Failing at basics

While working on a programm i somehow absolutly forgot that a subclass of a class is still the class...



Found a neat turtorial today, while googling for a way to make glowing lines look optimal.

Monday, November 7, 2011


Good morning,

woke up quite ahead of time. Had some very weird, also disturbing dream. Apparently my unconscious finally find something, that would not make me turn around and go sleep again, as regular nightmares do.

In the dream I allways had this feeling of having a presense behind me, that was making fun of me and observing me, yet I was not able to see or find the presense. What was even more disturbing, is that I had blackouts in the dream and could not remember if I did something or not. For example, I closed the door, but then I discovered that the door was still opened. I went to jogg a round, but had to find out that my clothes were allready sweaty and I was sorta exhausted myself. etc

The disturbing part of the dream was, I was never sure, if this presense was some personality split of me or guy hijacking my identity in the background.

Irony: I discovered this picture when trying to log on one of my accounts:

I go get breakfast, if I will discover that it's allready eaten away, I'm calling the ghostbusters

Neuronal Networks

I'm not exactly a great programmer, in fact I'm (sorta) studying and (sorta) learning by myself to become (sorta) one at some point, but I did allready had (sorta.. ok i shut up) some contact with C++, VB, Delphi, Labview, French, Matlab, all kind of web-stuffs and other languages so far. However C# is a new one. And while it's good old C in its principles, starting programming a Neuronal Network in it, might have been not the best idea ever. It also feels like I'm being outsmarted by a single (even simulated) brain cell.

On the bright side, it is a project I've been planing and researching along since ages, so it's finaly time to programm somethign that will probably contradict all of my asumptions and theories, but heh, that's how it works I guess.

Anyhow I'm sorta ready with the design of my first "amplified node" and the classical "node" in the sense of neurological networks. Really looking forward for the point, where I have their "phasing", priorities and the GUI worked out, so I can give em a try. Will prolly take quite a while.

Though, I'm allready now wondering, how good the idea was to allow nodes to get bored and annoyed. I swear if the programm will sell my gloves on Ebay (for reference purposes: I programmed some gaming bots at some point, and they sold their equipment, especially the gloves pretty often in the first phases), I pick up some other study...


Heya dearest Diary, (I hate you)

I guess stuff got better recently, which means 2 things:
1) No more emoish blog entries, I'd keep em out of a public blog (as in, you CAN find it, why/how is a enigma for me), if it wouldnt be for me knowing You would read it (see the capital Y, it's intended)
2) I should get my schedule straight again.

 So ye, my schedule for tommorow.

1) 8.30 Wake up and stand up
2) 9.00 WAKE UP and STAND up
3) Check on important information (aka mail etc)
4) Take a shower and actually eat
5) 10.00 Go visit the university and do some test with the recently compiled code
6) See if anything changed about the installation there (unporbable) and test out my first programming attempts to adress a DG2020 (ew).
7) 12.00 Proceed with the Neuronal network programming (more on this topic later)
8) 14.00 In case I won't (will) get bored earlier (later) this far - it's LoL time, gotta fix dat ranked score.
9) 16.00 Thesis work until 19-20.00
10) 20.00+ Whatever

Tuesday, November 1, 2011



Finaly got the structure. And yes I know I dont need the object part :p, but hey, shhh